The upcoming drama revolves around a genius lawyer named Cheon Ji Hoon (played by Namkoong Min), who comes to the rescue of clients without money or connections. The new teaser shares a glimpse of the hilarious first encounter between Cheon Ji Hoon and Baek Ma Ri (Kim Ji Eun).

The teaser begins with Ma Ri making a dramatic entrance as she marches down the path in a hot pink suit with a bold smile. However, her confidence soon turns into contempt as she arrives at Cheon Ji HoonŌĆÖs messy office, and her grandfather Baek Hyun Mu (Lee Deok Hwa) warns her in a voiceover, ŌĆ£DonŌĆÖt even bother coming to Baek Law Firm if you canŌĆÖt last two months there.ŌĆØ Ma Ri sees Ji Hoon hiding behind his desk as she walks in, but he swiftly changes his attitude as soon as he learns she has come to work as an intern. The teaser ends with the tension rising between the two, and all eyes are on how the story will pan out as the two clash with each other. One Dollar Lawyer premieres on September 23rd. Source (1)

Namkoong Min Transforms Into a Genius Lawyer in New Drama  One Dollar Lawyer  - 72