At NetflixŌĆÖs roadshow See WhatŌĆÖs Next Korea 2021 which was held online on the 25th, Kim Min Young said ŌĆ£Korean content is an important factor for the growth within the Asian region.ŌĆØ She added that there was not much Korean content within the platform in the beginning. ŌĆ£The signals became clearer as works such as Stranger, A Korean Odyssey, and Mr. Sunshine entered. As many viewers who like such Korean content flowed into Netflix, the number of subscribers began to rise,ŌĆØ she explained. ŌĆ£ThatŌĆÖs why I was convinced about the growth of Korean content,ŌĆØ she said. The content chief also mentioned how she realized that watchers who were not originally fans of Korean works also enjoyed Korean content through works such as Kingdom, Extracurricular, and Space Sweepers. ŌĆ£What proved this was when we announced the figure of 22 million paid subscribers who watched Sweet Home during the fourth quarterŌĆÖs earnings report. It is noteworthy that the potential of Korean content has grown that much. Now I think it is becoming its own genre of global pop-culture beyond just being a trend,ŌĆØ she said. Kim Min Young also mentioned that there are two perspectives when talking about Korea. ŌĆ£Looking at Korea as a market, Korean viewers and Koreans do not hesitate to invest when appreciating and enjoying culture. The distribution rate for internet services is also quite high. We are increasingly realizing that Korean content is important for this marketŌĆÖs success, and to approach viewers.ŌĆØ
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Netflix   s Content Chief Says    Korean Content Has Become a Global Pop Culture    - 9