On Oct. 10, Jennie posted a picture of herself in outfits that she wore on MBCŌĆÖs Show! Music Core stage on her Instagram. In the photo, Jennie showed off her usual chic charm with bold outfits. However, what caught the most attention was her jeans that had the print of the English word ŌĆ£CENSORED.ŌĆØ Previously, BLACKPINKŌĆÖs ŌĆ£Lovesick GirlsŌĆØ music video was embroiled in controversy over the sexy nurse outfit worn by Jennie. The Korean Health and Medical WorkersŌĆÖ Union criticized YG for ŌĆ£following the typical sexual code under the excuse of ŌĆścostumes,‘ŌĆØ and the company ended up deleting all the problematic scenes and posting a revised version of the music video. After seeing her post, it has been argued that Jennie has indirectly expressed her position on the recent controversy by wearing a costume that shows the word ŌĆ£CENSORED.ŌĆØ However, some say that itŌĆÖs too much of a leap based on what is written on her pants. https://www.instagram.com/p/CGKTwzaDUJ5/ Source (1)

Netizens Come Up with Various Interpretations over a Pair of Jeans Jennie Wore - 23