Weak Hero Class 1 follows model student Yeon Si Eun (Park Ji Hoon) as he goes up against countless violence alongside the first friends he made, Ahn Su Ho (Choi Hyun Wook) and Oh Bum Seok (Hong Kyung). The Weak Hero team met and communicated with the audience directly in various events from the red carpet of the opening ceremony to open talk and GV. ŌĆ£I had a strange experience while filming a scene where the emotions climaxed,ŌĆØ Park Ji Hoon said. ŌĆ£Su Ho even said that I looked like a madman. Filming the scene, I just thought of the action sequences and nothing else. It was like IŌĆÖd lost my mind, and after I finished filming, I couldnŌĆÖt even remember what IŌĆÖd done. ThatŌĆÖs when I realized losing oneŌĆÖs cool is an emotion that canŌĆÖt be expressed in words.ŌĆØ Choi Hyun Wook mentioned the difficulties he faced while shooting acting scenes. ŌĆ£He filmed outdoor action scenes in midsummer,ŌĆØ he recalled. ŌĆ£It was so hot, but I was even wearing a windstopper, and it was physically exhausting to shoot the scene over and over again.ŌĆØ He then went on to say, ŌĆ£But once I started filming, I was having so much fun that I forgot how tired I was. I really want to try an action genre again in the future.ŌĆØ The audience who watched the forthcoming series left comments like ŌĆ£The story was so realistic. The action and the story are nice, and there are funny scenes in the middle, so youŌĆÖll never be bored,ŌĆØ and ŌĆ£IŌĆÖm still thinking about it. This is gonna be the best drama in the actorsŌĆÖ career.ŌĆØ Source: Wavve

Park Ji Hoon and Choi Hyun Wook Talk About What It Was Like Filming  Weak Hero Class 1  - 79Park Ji Hoon and Choi Hyun Wook Talk About What It Was Like Filming  Weak Hero Class 1  - 81