Set in 1988, Seoul Vibe is a new film that revolves around a crew of talented drivers called Samgyedong Supreme Team that gets involved in investigating the slush fund. Helmed by The KingŌĆÖs Case Note director Moon Hyun Sung, the film features a stellar cast, including Yoo Ah In, Ko Kyung Pyo, Lee Kyu Hyung, Park Ju Hyun, Ong Seong Wu, Moon So Ri, Oh Jung Se, Kim Sung Kyun, and Jung Woong In. The teaser poster shares a glimpse of Dong Wook (played by Yoo Ah In) heading somewhere in a car with a ŌĆ£Seoul 1988ŌĆØ number plate.

The trailer begins with the driver team making their appearances with roaring car engine sounds. There, Dong Wook and his friends ŌĆō club DJ Woo Sam (Ko Kyung Pyo), human GPS Bok Nam (Lee Kyu Hyung), biker Yoon Hee (Park Ju Hyun) and Mr.handyman Joon Ki (Ong Seong Wu) showing off their impeccable driving skills and incredible taste in fashion. One day, prosecutor Ahn (Oh Jung Se) makes an irresistible offer to the crew, and they unwittingly get involved in investigating the slush fund of chairman Kang (Moon So Ri). Curiosity rises about how the crew will achieve their American dream as they set out on the dangerous mission. Seoul Vibe will be released on August 26th. Source: Netflix

 Seoul Vibe  Trailer  Yoo Ah In and His Team Set Out an Exciting Mission - 45