On the morning of Feb 26th, the 11th hearing was held at the Military Court of Ground Operations Command, on nine charges including SeungriŌĆÖs assistance of prostitution, sexual violence, embezzlement, going against the food hygiene law, habitual gambling, violation of foreign exchange law, and condoning special assault. According to the military prosecution, Seungri was abetting assault while drinking with an acquaintance at a bar in December 2015. When the victim mistakenly looked into the room where Seungri was drinking, he informed the group chat with the former CEO of Yuri Holdings Yoo In Seok. Yoo In Seok then told a member of the gang known as the Eagles and the member in question has reportedly dragged the victim to the alley and threatened them. Seungri has denied his partaking in the special assault charges which were added during the trial. In the 11th hearing, CCTV footage of the bar at the scene was unveiled. Through his lawyer, Seungri claimed that he visited a bar with an actress at the time and the drunk person (the person referred to as a victim above) glanced at the actress while they were in an isolated space. The lawyer said that ŌĆ£Seungri was not in a great situation, but he smiled and calmed the person down,ŌĆØ adding that he was not aware of charges for special assault. Some also argued in the trial that the gang member was actually a celebrity bodyguard. Meanwhile, the trial will be held later in the day to deal with various charges against Seungri. Singer Jung Joon Young is to attend as a witness. ┬Ā Source (1)

Seungri Denies Assault Charges Despite Disclosure of CCTV Footage - 33