Diva, starring Shin Min Ah and directed by rookie director Cho Seul Ye, revolved around a mysterious incident involving female divers. The story is about the truth that the main character, who is called the ŌĆ£DivaŌĆØ in the diving world, faces as she regains her memory she lost after suffering a mysterious accident. Previously, Shin Min Ah made a successful transformation in her acting through Chief of Staff series, which aired last year. In the drama, she played the role of Kang Sun Young, a first-year lawmaker elected through proportional representation and a spokesperson for her party. Official filming for movie Diva had already ended before Shin Min Ah started working on Chief of Staff series. It is said that the director had put much effort into the post-production works and has finally decided to release the movie in September. Starting with Diva, Shin Min Ah will focus on big screen activities for a while. Following Diva, movie Vacation, which recently finished filming, is also scheduled to be released in the second half of this year. It depicts miraculous moments after a mother takes a three-day vacation from heaven to come stay with her daughter. Source (1)

Shin Min Ah   s New Film    Diva    to Be Released in September - 96