Confession revolves around a promising businessman who has been named the prime suspect in a murder case and a lawyer who has been hired to prove his innocence. The movie follows the two as they try to piece together hidden pieces of the case. Starting with receiving the best director at the Fantasporto International Film Festival, the thriller was selected as the closing film of the Far East Film Festival and was officially invited to the feature film section at the Fribourg International Film Festival in Switzerland and the Fantasia Film Festival in Canada. The detailed story composition that puts the pieces of the murder case together, the mystery surrounding the truth, and the explosive acting synergy of the actors have completed intense suspense. Sabrina Baracetti, the president of the Far East Film Festival, praised the movie as ŌĆ£a very clever movie that skillfully plays with the hearts of the audience.ŌĆØ The released teaser poster captures the intense face-off between So Ji Sub, who challenged his first thriller movie, and Kim Yun Jin, the never-failing thriller queen. Yoo Min Ho (So Ji Sub) is all tense from the fear of losing everything heŌĆÖs worked for, while Yang Shin Ae (Kim Yun Jin) pressures him to tell the truth. The copy that reads ŌĆ£All evidence points to himŌĆØ gives a glimpse into the formidable task the two will face. Meanwhile, Confession will hit the screen on October 26th.

Source: Lotte Entertainment