Recently, a post on an online community sparked a heated debate among music fans. The post listed the pictures or gifs of Arin and Soobin working together as emcees of KBSŌĆÖs music show Music Bank. Arin in the photos laughed often and touched or leaned on SoobinŌĆÖs body.

The writer who wrote the post wrote, ŌĆ£She often burst into laughter alone for no reason, and thatŌĆÖs kind of distracting.ŌĆØ Some netizens agreed to this and commented, ŌĆ£IŌĆÖm not saying she shouldnŌĆÖt laugh, but she needs to coordinate herself since she is an official emcee of a program,ŌĆØ ŌĆ£I really donŌĆÖt like how she just suddenly laughs out of nowhere when she talks. ItŌĆÖs distracting,ŌĆØ or ŌĆ£She does that even when she interviews other artists. Seems a bit impolite.ŌĆØ Some even wrote, ŌĆ£I hope she stops touching SoobinŌĆØ and ŌĆ£I not a fan of TXT, but if I was, her touching a member like that so often would piss me off.ŌĆØ However, some netizens wrote, ŌĆ£I am a fan of TXT, and I have no problem with that,ŌĆØ ŌĆ£She is just so cute, DonŌĆÖt nitpick,ŌĆØ or ŌĆ£I love her energy. Stop hating everything, you haters.ŌĆØ Source (1)