On Dec 9, Label SJ announced the postponement via Twitter. ŌĆ£Hello, this is Label SJ. First of all, we apologize to the fans who have been waiting for our new album. Super JuniorŌĆÖs 10th full album, which was scheduled to be released in December, will postpone its release to January 2021,ŌĆØ they wrote. The label added. ŌĆ£Since it is an important album to commemorate the 15th anniversary of Super JuniorŌĆÖs debut, the decision has been made inevitably for a more complete album, so please understand it for your understanding.ŌĆØ However, Label SJ relieved some of the disappointment by stating that they are preparing for new pre-released song content and various promotions every week, such as the live clip of ŌĆ£A Few LovesŌĆØ that opened on Dec 2, till the albumŌĆÖs official release. They finished by saying, ŌĆ£The detailed promotion schedule will be announced every week. Please look forward to Super JuniorŌĆÖs 10th full album ŌĆśThe Renaissance,ŌĆÖ and we ask for your understanding once again. Thank you.ŌĆØ

ŌĆö SUPER JUNIOR (@SJofficial) December 9, 2020 Source (1)

Super Junior Decides to Postpone the Release of Their 10th Full Album for Better Quality - 15