After completing JTBCŌĆÖs She Would Never Know, actress Won Jin Ah has revealed how she felt through a written interview with Newsis saying, ŌĆ£I am very grateful that we safely finished filming, amid difficult times.ŌĆØ She Would Never Know started with a 2% viewer rating (based on Nielsen Korea) at the time of its first airing in January, and closed its curtains on the 9th after exceeding 1-2%. ŌĆ£I donŌĆÖt anticipate high ratings for every work. I just hope it will be a drama that will be talked of positively, for a long while. I also hope that Won Jin Ah will be remembered for a long time as an actress, along with the vibrant character of Yoon Song Ah.ŌĆØ Yoon Song Ah, a third-year cosmetics brand marketer, enters a fake relationship with Chae Hyun Seung (Ro Woon) to get revenge after being betrayed by the companyŌĆÖs team leader Lee Jae Shin (Lee Hyun Wook) whom she was in a secret relationship with. Won Jin Ah mentioned honesty as Yoon Song AhŌĆÖs charm amidst being loved by two men. ŌĆ£Anyone can find Song Ah attractive because she does everything with confidence and pride. When she is in a relationship, she becomes honest and straightforward to her lover about her feelings. She was perhaps loved for how she had a quality which is the most basic and important in both work and love.ŌĆØ She talked about how she takes pride in her trust in Ro Woon. ŌĆ£We built trust in that we would acknowledge whatever each other would do. What I especially liked in our teamwork was that I could feel us getting along together in the scenes instead of acting or expressing emotions unilaterally. Ro WoonŌĆÖs flexible and positive personality made me recognize my responsibility as an actor, so I could trust and perform conveniently.ŌĆØ Was there any burden on you to lead the series as the main character and a senior actor? ŌĆ£Though there is an age gap between us, there is not much difference in my career nor debut year, not enough for me to be called a senior. Instead of drawing a line as a senior and junior between us, we participated equally. I always feel pressured when I work for a piece regardless of the weight of my role. Since IŌĆÖve been filming this for almost half a year, I couldnŌĆÖt ignore the burden I felt in terms of physical strength and concentration. It worried me that I would do harm to the work if I got sick. Now, I think that I can take a step further as an actor only once I learn to enjoy those burdens.ŌĆØ Won Jin Ah will return to greet the viewers with the movie Voice and the Netflix original Hellbound. ŌĆ£I think IŌĆÖll be able to demonstrate how the process of a human being breaking down, and the extreme emotions behind it. IŌĆÖm also looking forward to it, as youŌĆÖll be able to discover sides of me which are different from this work.ŌĆØ ┬Ā Source (1)

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